Jen Dawson

Business Administrator

About Jen

Jen has been with OFS since 2002. She began doing administration work and has been involved in many facets of the business including processing and some broker support work. Jen is now the Business Administrator.

Jen enjoys working for a local company with a great team of people.

After Work

After several years living in Queenstown, Christchurch and Melbourne, Jen returned to Dunedin in 2002. Although working at OFS has been a constant since then, there are many other things that Jen regularly enjoys. Her sporting passion is netball, and she can be found at the Edgar Centre every Wednesday night and on Saturdays during the competition season, with some umpiring involved too.

Since Lockdown 2020, Jen has rediscovered her bike riding enjoyment, and often heads out on her mountain bike with her husband Nathan for a ride around the city, sticking to the more scenic roads and trails. Their two teenage sons ensure each day is never the same, and Jen loves supporting them through their school and other interests.

To relax, Jen likes to settle down with a good book, or do some baking. She loves to catch up with friends and family over food, coffee, and wine.